One of the few good things to come out of the miserable office job I used to work at was The Avett Brothers. A fellow co-worker of mine used to put on their albums on production day after every one else went home. As we stayed late into the night to put the newspaper together we would listen to this quirky band from North Carolina sing about longing, love and loss.
I am always reluctant to accept new music, so a new band has to make a really strong impression on me before I will admit I actually like it. The Avett Brothers had me at 'Shame.' Before long my co-worker, Katie, and I were asking to listen to these guys - then we were burning their disks - and now going to their concerts.
On a beautiful night in June, my wife and I met up with her niece and nephew and their significant others for a night of The Avett Brothers. The show was at the beautiful Hoyt Sherman Place in downtown Des Moines, IA. I had never been to the Hoyt before, but it was an amazing place to see a show; very turn-of-the-century, ornate and exquisite in design - perfect for an AB show.
I was thrilled to finally see my new 'favorite' band live and even helped support the cause by buying a couple of cds and a t-shirt. If you never heard of these guys... you will. Trust me - they are about to become internationally famous with their upcoming album, due in September. Which kind of makes me sad. I like to think I was there before they were stars, digging their folksy, blue-grass rock - positive that I would one day say: "I saw them live before they were famous!"
If you want to check them out, head over to:
You'll be glad you did.
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