Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Walking Dead

After a much deserved day off - I'm finally back. The activities of Halloween - not to mention the tear-down effort the next day - really took their toll this year (and I'm not even completely done!) Exhausted would be an understatement. However, Halloween went well - we had over 200+ TOT's this year (we actually lost count of how many came through our haunted garage), the weather was incredible: 50 F with no wind or rain, followed by The Walking Dead on AMC that night.

Tearing down the haunted house went pretty quickly, but I kept thinking: "Man, two months to construct - two hours to tear down!" Now there's nothing left to do but store it all away for another year. Once that's done I'll be able to get back to blogging regularly, as well as writing up some new reviews for the Drive-In. Thanks for your patience - we're looking forward to a great year of movies under the stars!

P.S. If you have any ideas, criticisms, suggestions for the site, please don't hesitate to comment.

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