Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!


The greatest day of the year - I've literally been up since before dawn thinking about all that I have to get done today - there's no rest for the wicked on this, as Edgar Allan Poe called it, "Night of all nights in the year." I'm looking forward to filling treat bags, carving jack-'o-lanterns, watching scary movies, getting the yard haunt ready for action, and getting my own costume on. I think it would be wise if I could cram a nap in there somewhere since I was up with the rooster - but I'm sure I'll be too excited to sleep. I'm thinking there might be a pumpkin spice cappuccino in my future...

Here's wishing everyone a happy, haunted, Halloween! I urge you to remember your mythical past and call to mind why we celebrate this darkest of days. Remember that tonight the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Remember to be a kid (if only for one night). Be safe. Have fun. Remember the rules. I'll be out long after the last trick-or-treater has begged for candy. Stop by - if you dare...



1 comment:

suzanne said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. Happy Halloween!